

Welcome to Dyntra’s Registration page:

The registration is an easy 4-step process and will only take one minute:

  1. Choose type of registration by clicking on the icon
  2. Fill out the form and click ‘Register‘
  3. Go to your email account as you will receive an email with your password
  4. Login and start evaluating!!! (Your registration details will only be used to contact you in relation with your evaluations (if needed) and to inform you about news related to Dyntra.)


Choose ‘Evaluator’ if you are a citizen and you want to start evaluating one or more entities or representatives. Once registered and received your password by email, you can immediately start with your 1st evaluation.


Choose ‘Entity’ if you represent an entity or representative that is listed in Dyntra that you want to auto-evaluate. Once we receive your registration as an ‘Entity’, we will verify that you represent official that entity/representative.


* Required fields

Note: Your password will be generated automatically and sent to your email address.