Dyntra launches the Dyntra Trust & Happiness Tool

May 10th, 2018
Malaga, Spain – Today, May 10th, 2018, Dyntra launches, within its Transparency platform Dyntra.org, the ‘Dyntra Trust & Happiness’ Tool which will allow citizens to rate an entity’s level of transparency.
Following United Nations’ personal invitation for Dyntra to participate in the UN International Day of Happiness at the UN headquarters last March 20th, as well as Dyntra’s commitment in enhancing the connection between public organisations and the citizens, Dyntra has decided to integrate the concept of happiness and trust in their platform at entity’s level. Dyntra believes that it is very important that public entities receive information from their citizens in relation to how they see the transparency level of the entity.
“A public entity is only transparent if the citizens say they are transparent, not when the public entity says they are transparent.” says Erwin de Grave, International Relations Director & Co-founder of Dyntra. “Happiness and transparency are related because through transparency the public entity generates more trust with the citizens which will lead to a more ‘happy citizen’”.
In a first instance, the ‘Dyntra Trust & Happiness’ Tool will only ask one question: ‘How do you rate the transparency of this entity’, where the citizen will have 5 options to choose from. In the future, more specific questions will be added.
To start using the ‘Dyntra Trust & Happiness’ Tool, just go to https://dyntra.org/ and search for the entity that you want to rate.
About Dyntra:
Dyntra.org is the Social Hub for Transparency and Open Government. It is the 1st global citizen-driven Smart Data hub that measures in real-time and ongoing the transparency of public and private organisations as well as their elected representatives. Already more than 4,200 organisations in 193 countries are in the Dyntra hub with the participation of nearly 1,000 evaluators and over 430 media sources that use Dyntra as a source.
For more information:
Erwin de Grave
Phone: +34 678 24 38 19
Email: erwin.degrave@dyntra.org